Dixit Odyssey

Dixit Odyssey is a standalone expansion to basic Dixit and allows additional players to enjoy the game. This version allows up to 12 players to play at once.

I have never played a game that's similar to any version of dixit. It incorporates basic storytelling into beautiful artwork, and adds elements of deception and creativity. The game itself is just a deck of cards each with completely unique artwork and design on each. A round of dixit incorporates one player being the "storyteller" an they will say one word or a short phrase that tells a story about one of the cards in their hand, and other players will play a card in their hand that they believe also fits, or fits the best to the same story. Cards are then shuffled and laid out in an order that numbers them identifying them as card #1 card #2 etc. Players then vote on which card played was in fact the original storytellers (while not voting on their own but we'll, get into scoring later).

If EVERYONE picks the correct card or if NOBODY picks the correct card, the story teller gets 0 points and all other players receive 3 points. In addition to those points, each player card to receive a vote also gets a point. An example of this is if the story teller played card #2 and someone votes for card #3 played by someone else. The player to play card #3 will receive one point for EACH player that voted for them. If the story teller gets some players to vote for them, but not all (or none) then they receive the 3 points, and you award bonus points as required.

The scoring is a little daunting at first, but it becomes easy enough to maintain once you get a feel for it. The game ends when one player scores 30 points. Game length with vary drastically by the number of players (and their attention spans) but all games are around 20-45 minutes. I think this is one of my favorite games to play with new groups, or players that are not usually fans of high strategy board games, because the winner is generally someone more creative, and gives them a chance to shine and get a win at your next game night.

As far as I know, all versions of Dixit, and their expansions are compatible with each other, allowing you to keep the game fresh and new. I encourage everyone to play this truly unique game, you can get your copy HERE!


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