Bears Vs. Babies

You read the title right, This game is called Bears Vs. Babies.  The game is the next in line from the producers of exploading kittens, and the gameplay is just as interesting as the furry box it comes in.

You begin play by laying out the play mat and dealing out starting hands to each player. Then you work to build bears (and other monsters) one body part at a time until you feel you're ready to take on a baby army. There are three categories of these baby armies: land, air, and sea; each with coresponding bears and monsters color coded for batteling ease. 

When someone is brave enough to provoke the baby army attack, any and all monsters enter the coresponding frey. An example of this is if the land babies are provoked then all land monsters (and wild card bears) enter the fight and the most powerful monster wins. This is of course only if the baby army numbers aren't superior, in which case there are no winners of that round and those babies are discarded, as the babies are victorious. All players involved should feel shame.

The game is quickly learned, once you get past the social oddities that come with fighting mutant babies. It is decently strategy involved and has only a bit of luck needed to draw the body parts that you need to complete your monsters. The three different draw piles make that a little easier, but in my opinion is the games only weakness.

Gametime is relatively short a game of experienced players could be as short at 20-30 minutes. There is a great deal of randomness to the game, so the replayability level is quite high. To push this further, the game has some expantions, including a NSFW Deck option if you're interested.


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