Hare and Tortoise (Remastered?)

We all know the tale of the Hare and Tortoise, well now we have another chance to play out their historic race. Rio Grande games has purchased the rights to a classic Ravensburger game "Hase und Igel" (Hare and porcupine as the German fable goes). The original game by Ravensburger won the first ever Spiel Des Jahres award for excellence in game design back in 1979, and with seemingly few tweaks to the original, Hare and Tortoise looks as good as the original, if not better.

The game plays 2-6 racers with an interesting mechanic of needing to calculate how fast you should run to burn your fuel, (carrots) while still having some left to make it across the line. The game being a race, it helps to go fast like a hare; however, being the fabled race it is sometimes better to pace yourself like a tortoise.

The racing mechanic is fairly straightforward and players will learn how they can move easily. The tricky part comes in when they need to manage moving forward to win the race, and backwards to earn more fuel. All of this while trying to manage to eat 3 pesky lettuce cards before they cross the finish line.

There are several "catch up" mechanics involved so the race really is a nail biter until the very end. This game has a great deal of strategy but is also light enough for family play. Get yours HERE!


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