Figet Cube

I know this one isn't exactly a "game" of sorts; however, I'm very passionate about their use and practice. The Figet Cube is a device to keep busy hands idle. This device is perfect for adult stress relief for those working at a desk, young adults studying/reading for an exam, or for youth that have alot of extra energy. The device does just about anything, with switches, dials, buttons, clickers, knobs, and a track ball, while also not doing anything at all. The only function is keeping the hands busy, and with it's low price, they're available for anyone in need of a QUIET activity to keep up their motor skills.

As a side note, my father took one with him to school and allowed a high energy kindergartner to SIT STILL and play with the device for over 20 mins. Can't complain with these results. Babysitters and grandparents I'm looking at YOU! Get yours Today.


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