Settlers of Catan

Once you've mastered Ticket to Ride, and you're looking for a more player to player interactive experience, the next game for you is Settlers of Catan. Settlers of Catan is a game for 3-4 players, where they battle to develop the island nation of Catan. Turns include resource acquisition (via dice rolls), trading resources with other players, claiming tiles with roads and developments, upgrading those developments into cities or buying cards from a deck designed to help you in your efforts. The strategy to play is what you make it, changing with each game based upon other players moves as well as the set up changes of the board itself. Finally, this game is a great education tool for kids, as it teaches statistics of dice rolls (with an easy to follow dot mechanic) in addition to trade.

“Settlers has become so popular in Silicon Valley that it's now being used as an icebreaker at some business meetings.”
-Wall Street Journal


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