It's silly meets serious, the ultimate party discussion game. Superfight! is a game where you can pair fighters with hundreds of attributes, and debate who would win a battle royal. Game play is similar to cards against humanity, but you can play with your mom and not blush. There are piles of face down cards with different fighters, and piles of face down cards of different attributes to attach to them. These can be good attributes, such as "made of metal", "can use the force" etc... or they may be bad, or useless "is very sticky" "carrying way to many grocery bags" etc. You pair one ability with your fighter, and then add another attribute from the face down piles. (You're not allowed to choose this attribute, and must find a way to justify it's negativity, or use its positivity in conjunction with your fighters abilities)

This game is great for initiating discussions, and for larger groups, allows each player an even chance to make their voice heard. It's silly at it's core, but really allows in depth discussions and debates to happen. Would the hulk armed with a battletank and the ability to levitate (one foot off the ground) beat a wizard that can use the force and is immune to impact? Well that answer is for you to interpret and discuss. The rules in the game are very broad and allow you to make your own decisions, or even play styles. Maybe you don't want to use the cards to make the best "warrior" maybe you decide to make the cutest character to win, or the weakest/most pathetic character, or maybe use the cards to play a version of the dating game, the options are limitless.

Great game to play with kids, if you're using Superfight! as an educational tool, kids will love it. It teaches conflict management, abstract thinking, discussion and debate skills, and the ability to recognize that sometimes you're not going to win, and you don't have to win all the time. The game only lasts a short 5 rounds, so it fits into a end of the day or end of the event downtime, and the game has unlimited replay-ability.

With plenty of expansions to customize the game to your interests Superfight! is a must have. The orange box expansion is perfect for your nerdy players, the red box (r rated) is great for edgier game players, or college kids, the green deck is great for kids, as it uses your imagination, The blue deck give you different arenas to fight, and the purple deck gives you challenges or events that happen during the fight. That being said, you don't need an expansion to enjoy the game for it's greatness. They're merely an option to further refine your experience to make it more unique to your players interests; OR buy the bundle box. (there's plenty of other expansions that I didn't mention)

 Put this one at the top of your "to get" list.


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