Red Flags

If you're looking for a new party game, Red Flags might be the one for you. Darin Ross, the creator of SUPERFIGHT, has made another card game, slightly ruder than his original. 

In the game, one person will be the prospective suitor. (Taking turns around the table) The rest of the group uses two of their attribute cards to make the best possible date for the suitor judge. One by one they will play these attributes, all while making the best case that their date is better than the rest. Once all characters are introduced, players then place "red flags" on each others characters, sabotaging them so that the suitor judge may look more fondly on their character instead. 

An example of this may be that one players character is a billionaire, and a supermodel. Based on their initial attributes, they sound like quite the catch. After the round of red flags, however; you learn that they also keep a dozen orphan slaves in a sweatshop. Not quite as appealing as before. Once all characters are introduced and sabotaged, the suitor decides which is the best, or in many cases, the least worst. This continues on until one players characters were chosen 3 times, making them the winner. 

There are 400 some cards in the base version of the game, that include many fill in the blank options. So replay-ability is quite high, but if you play very often, you may wish to get one of many expansions to keep things interesting. 

This game isn't for everyone, and is recommended 17+ but if you fit into that age category, you'll have a blast playing Red Flags.


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