The Game

The Game is a cooperative card game for 2-5 people, that can also be played solo as a solitaire. In The Game, players work to play cards numbered 2-98 in one of four piles. Two piles ascend from lowest to highest, and two piles descend from highest to lowest. It's fairly easy to grasp the concept of, but there are a few game play elements that make this more interesting than simply putting cards in order.

Play starts when players in the game have 6 cards in hand. Now the group decides together who should go first, based on the cards they have. Usually this becomes an I volunteer as tribute situation. They then take turns clockwise around the table playing cards. On your turn, you must play at least two cards, but if you happen to have cards that are very close to each other, you can play as many as you're holding. During game play, you can discuss where you would like players to play or not play, but you CANNOT discuss the cards numbers in you hand.

There will be times when you're going to have to "jump" a pile ahead because you do not have corresponding cards. An example of this would be when all 4 of the piles are in the middle range, around 50 or so, and you just don't have cards that fit into the current run. So you move a descending pile from 64 down to 30. Doing this voids your teams chances at playing cards 31-63 there. This unfortunately happens often while playing The Game but you still have a chance to recover. If someone plays a card exactly 10 away, you can reverse the direction slightly. In this situation, you could play "40" and resume descending from there. You could also play 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 to take the pile back to nearly the beginning. This works for any value, 11, 21, 31...12, 22, 32, etc. Once more cards are played, the group works together to card count, and call out where all of these 10 card jump backs can occur.

The game is themed with various skulls and runes, which don't really seem to fit the theme. I don't think that it matters that much, but it does seem to set the mood of death. A little over dramatic for a game strictly involving numbers. Get your copy HERE!


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